This work was made in the sculpture studios in college. I negotiated with one of the 2nd year students, whose space was behind my studio wall, that I could borrow his space for two months. He would wall it off to create a hidden room connecting with my studio space. I then cut through the wall behind my locker and used this as an entry point to the new space. I worked here in secrecy for one month building a cave like environment.
I created decoy works in my original studio space to distract my peers from knowing about my work on the cave. The decoys were made out of wax and candlewick. These sculptures would be lit and they would make themselves as I worked in the cave.
On completion, the locker was opened for a one week long solo show in the studios. The cave was deconstructed and the space returned to its owner.
Locker was shown in National college of Art and Design, sculpture studios in March, 2009.